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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:33回 リリース日:2008年9月24日
作詞 三浦康嗣 
作曲 三浦康嗣
All I wanna do is to make it tight
All I wanna do is to make it bright
The world

Tonight the world is on two turntables
They're both wired to the fader by the cable
The weight keeps the world stable the beat stable
And you're on the groove everything is able
But be careful say no to a evil

ahe aha So what cha sayin'
aha aha Just go insane

So get MONEY

超くだらない けど
超最高な ばか騒ぎ
今夜 フロア 舞う 札束
can't stop won't stop
check the rhyme flow
check the money flow
あぶく銭 go bubble bubble
spending money get mo'アホ アホ
マン & women 裸になって
やっちゃいなよ いっちゃいなよ
yeah go on & don't stop
yeah go on & don't stop

It's a bull shit thinkin' bout moneys
You've got to stand up for the better world

No man who the fuck cares bout the world!?
I do what I want & money gives me everything
And ya need money to change the world anyway

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