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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
Feelin'The Light
作詞 Kanata Alexis Okajima 
作曲 Hiroaki Hara
Do As Infinity
2 Rings got piled up
Is it by chance?
Or just a result
Don't know why...
We are alike
Though we're obstinate
We show our real self easily
Maybe we're each other's mirror

I know we're not same
Environment, experience...
Of course D.N.A. differs
But feel, if the wind
Gather & transmit our dreams
It'll be a big wave soon
Everybody will listen to the sound
Somebody will sing along with love

I'm feeling the light
We can survive
If we can link our chains
Please keep up the breeze
Eternally beats
Resonance starts the show
Like a rainbow threw the sky
It's too instant but so bright
It lives in each heart,
Let's call it "New Hope"

Everybody will listen to the sound
Somebody will sing along with love

I'm feeling the light
We can survive
If we can link our chains
Please keep up the breeze
Eternally beats
Resonance starts the show...

I'm feeling the light
We can survive
If we can link our chains
Please keep up the breeze
Eternally beats
Resonance starts the show
Like a rainbow threw the sky
It's too instant but so bright
It lives in each heart
Let's call it "New Hope"

Let's call it "New Hope"

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
うたまっぷ 」では、著作権保護の観点より歌詞の印刷行為を禁止しています。

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