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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:191回 リリース日:2005年3月24日
作詞 磯部正文 
作曲 磯部正文/工藤哲也/平本レオナ
On that day was the sky blue Many men didn't know it coming
A few men knew that the day don't clear A break many have melted away

The city destroyed by a little mass of iron
On that day the earth burnt to the ground
The secorching sun Fighter planes high up into the sky
Screams were mixed in a smoke mushroom

nevertheless,the people lived through
nevertheless,the city crept up
nevertheless,the city lived through

The number 8.6 is stanmped in the city
I want no more numbers fixed again
A mountain of black stiffs It was a night marish truth
I don't want it happen again

I'm proud I was born there
I'm proud I was brought up there
I like the peace and quiet of the town

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