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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:15回 リリース日:2010年3月31日
My Start
作詞 Rie fu/Peter Kvint 
作曲 Rie fu/Kenichi Takemoto/Peter Kvint
Rie fu/Kenichi Takemoto/Peter Kvint
I've been thinking about what you said to me
How I'm living my life like it's on repeat
Every day of the hour, it's the same routine,
Round and round again, in my spinning wheel
So I'm taking the offer I'll be glad to accept,
The invitation I get

I'm gonna make you my start
My start my start
You're gonna open up the door,
My door, my door, take me up a floor, 'cause I wanna see more
You are my start

I'm gonna change my hair, I'm gonna sell my house,
I'm gonna buy a guitar, I'm gonna play it loud,
take it on the road, take it 'round the bend,
Out across the road, 'till I come back again
Will you meet me there? Will you be my friend?
This is not the end,
I'm gonna make you my start
My start my start
You're gonna open up the door,
My door, my door, take me up a floor, 'cause I wanna see more
You are my start

Send an invitation for a celebration
This is the occasion I've been looking for

I'm gonna make you my start
My start my start
You're gonna open up the door,
My door, my door, take me up a floor,
I'm gonna make you my start
My start my start
You're gonna open up the door,
My door, my door, take me up a floor, 'cause I wanna see more
You are my start


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オリコンミュージックストアで Rie fu/Kenichi Takemoto/Peter Kvintさん『My Start』をダウンロードする


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