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アクセス回数:17回 リリース日:2011年6月8日
Apathy feat.Maia Hirasawa
作詞 Maia Hirasawa 
作曲 Ryota Nozaki
Sitting in the sound of nothing Staring at my piano again
Thinking of doing something But what would it be, I don't know, there's nothing to shine for

Try to go for a walk in the bay But my legs won't do as I say
Though my brain still understands What a big dump I am, there's nothing to shine for

So doctor help me, how can I pull myself together Is this what they call apathy
I don't know what is wrong with me, but maybe you have a cure for me
I will do what ever it takes

To get myself away from this state Watching reprises of reprises again
Wait for the inspiration to appear, Will it soon be here, I don't know there's nothing to shine for

So doctor help me, how can I pull myself together Is this what they call apathy
I don't know what is wrong with me, but maybe you have a cure for me
I will do what ever it takes I will pay what ever it costs

To get myself away from this pain This pain of feeling nothing
I don't even know why I am singing this song The lyrics's too bad and the harmony sounds wrong

So doctor help me, how can I pull myself together Is this what they call apathy
I don't know what is wrong with me, but maybe you have a cure for me

I will do whatever it takes I will pay what ever it costs
Oh please doctor just see, your're the only one that can help me
So doctor please

Rescue me
From this apathy
Doctor please

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