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アクセス回数:1718回 リリース日:2011年7月13日
Chase the Light!
作詞 Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas 
作曲 Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas
Chase the light!


(From)time to time, I feel like running away
Trying to face away from this situation

Feel so lonely in this world

But for me to live I have to decide my own way

Take it easy
It's gonna be alright
Have faith and trust what a person you are
In times when you feel lost believe yourself
Overcome all the enemies
Are you ready? Let's go!!
Chill out and be easygoing sometimes
That was what you've told me in bad times


Fog hanged over
Making me blind
I cut through the air with my hand

And then I realized I ran into a wonderland filled with mysteries
I knew if I kept running without stopping I will someday find the way out from here

Take a look around
Each one of us shares different thoughts and features
No one is the same and that's what makes us the only special

Spring has arrived
Season of new life has come
そう 透明で まばゆい 明日へ
We all face and go through tough moments
But with the help of others we gain the power to stand up again

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