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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:12回 リリース日:2011年9月9日
作詞 堀内孝太/堀内孝平 
作曲 堀内孝太/堀内孝平
there are so many things that I don't understand
nobody tells me why I have to do it
I need some purpose to do the thing
I don't wanna do that
there are too many things that I would like to be
nobody teaches me how I can be that
I'm thinking on and on I cannot make sure to me

I often act like a know-it-all
cannot so much as know who I am
I put the blame for the fault on
the others and neglect it all

all I want is the light lasts here to morrow
where is the way leads me into the answer
as I don't wanna make an excuse however
I go on to think of a
story for Sunday

all I want is that I love you tomorrow
the day before yesterday and forever
you're may be gonna lead me into the answer
I must say the words to you
'sorry for Sunday'

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