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アクセス回数:45回 リリース日:2012年1月25日
Break Out Your Stained Brain
作詞 Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas 
作曲 Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas
Bring some noise!

In my imaginary world,
I've slaughtered you countless world

Sharp knife blade your skin
Rips your flesh apart
I love to hear you scream in pain and go break in tears
It is all this world's falut
Nothing really went wrong with us
(It)was just our nature

Goodbye to you
"Do or Die"was what I have learnt from you
Do not turn your back to me cuz then I'll kill you

As I spread my wings I look upon to(the)clouds

Why do I need to carry such heavy burden?
I'm no longer taking this with me
Fly away
Up high to(the)sky
Rebel against the sun
Rise for my own freedom

Cut it out!
I've had enough with you all
It's my turn to get back on you

Protest and show to those who can't

Good morning, all you damn socialized retards
Must be still busy checkin' checkin' checkin'(the)news
I'll blow out your brain stained by social propaganda
Say goodbye to the caste system making no sense
Take a look at that pet shop down street, you see?
Trapped innocent lives… Crash it Crash it down!
So who on this earth bullshitted and said that"all lives are equal"
greedy douche bags are shat your and I are

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