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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:22回 リリース日:2012年7月4日
We Rise Again
作詞 Shun 
作曲 Kuboty
How many days did we leave?
Can we do anything?
Changing of the season was the moment of our tears
Everyday we cannot forget 'bout the fear and pain
We're all the same
We are the broken heart

How long we cried after that?
We shed a lot of tears
Tears are flowing deep inside
It's hurting you and me
We believe that time will tell the answer to the bled
We never say "Too late" and "It's over"

How can we get up and overcome?
Tragedy had broken everything?
We are gonna live with people who had been lost
We will not give up their soul forever
We rise again

Wake up, wake up
Wake up from the pain
Take back, take back
Back the usual days

Everlasting memory is not dead
Thousands of smiles
We're gonna keep our brave

Happy ending never fades away
We won't give up
Wake up, take back

How can we get up and overcome?
Tragedy had broken everything?
We are gonna live with people who had been lost
We will not give up their soul forever
We rise again

Wake up, wake up
Wake up from the pain
Take back, take back
Back the usual days

Everlasting memory is not dead
Thousands of smiles
We're gonna keep our brave

Happy ending never fades away
We won't give up
Wake up, take back
We won't give up
Wake up, take back

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