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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:106回 リリース日:2012年11月21日
At The Station[駅]
作詞 Mariya Takeuchi/英語詞:David Chester 
作曲 Mariya Takeuchi
It seems that I remember - the raincoat that you wore
As we await the evening train - my heart starts beating faster

Those footsteps sound familiar so, who else could it be?
Except the one I used to love - the someone who still loves me

Yes, after all this time here we are at the station
Those memories come rushing back - they're so bittersweet
And the words I need to say, they just can't wait one more day

At last I understand what your heart tried to tell me
That I had been the only one that you really loved
But the moment's gone, can't go on, the dream is ending

Inside of our compartments, we watch the night race by
Though it was two years ago,
We've changed more than well ever know

Pretending we don't notice, we go our separate ways
Back home where someone waits for us, forever and always

And somewhere in the rush of the crowd at the station
I see you as you walk away with your loneliness

And the only thing I feel, is a pain that's too real

It's time for me to leave yesterday at the station
It's funny how the rain is gone like it never came
But it's all the same - life without you, that's what waits for me

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