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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:13回 リリース日:2012年11月21日
White Blend[色・ホワイトブレンド]
作詞 Mariya Takeuchi/英語詞:Mari S 
作曲 Mariya Takeuchi
White Spring: Season of new beginnings
White Lips: Smiling all over in me
White Blend: Love will soon bloom, love is in the air

Sad memories are gone with the breeze, I want to leave the past behind
I can hear the footsteps of new romance, I think love has a chance this time, Oh yes
I'll walk with a smile, I'll be stong this time, I think that we were destined to meet
Tomorrow is the time, to get you on the line, and make sure our conversation is free

(So now my)
White Night: Sleeping is hard tonight
White Lies: Tell me no lies tomorrow
White Blend: I can move on without you, if I have too
White Witch: Romance brings us together
White Love: Starting all over with you
White Blend: Only if you, you have to love me too

Up early and dressed, before I give you a call, my voice must have come coffee and tea
I want your ears to hear a warm voice of cheer, when you pick the phone up knowing its me
I got the shock of my life, our eyes met in the store, I guess we had the same idea
So we just might as well sit, coffee and looking at lips, and get to know each other a bit

(So in my)
White Page: My diary will tell it all
White Heat: The warmth of our encounter
White Blend: Dreaming of you cause I know, I'm in love with you
White Wine: A simple cup of tea
White Dream: Dreaming of your and me
White Blend: Tomorrow we'll get together too

I forgive the past, and I'll let go, no looking back, today is a new day for love

White Dress: That's what I'll wear tomorrow
White Shirt: Our colors say no more sorrow
White Blend: Then you will kiss me and we'll hold each other in white
White Spring: Season of new beginnings
White Lips: Smiling all over in me
White Blend: Love will soon bloom, love is in the air

White Night: Sleeping is hard tonight
White Lies: Tell me no lies tomorrow
White Blend: I can move on without you, if I have too
White Witch: Romance brings us together
White Love: Starting all over with you
White Blend: Only if you, you have to love me too

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