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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:81回 リリース日:2014年8月6日
Light remains the same
Today the earth keeps going around the galaxy
Taking us onboard
I guess eternity doesn't exist
Our soul will never fade

The same sadness and the same joy
The same cross and light and shadow
We bear the same burden
We don't have anything else in our both hands

Eat the same foods
And shed the same tears
Get mad, get lost
We are alive
If you want more
we only can bear equally

To share
To support
When your neighbor is crying with grief
Just cheer him up
We are
All the same
We are the light that remains the same

By looking up at the stars
The wise made some stories
And now,
We place
Our hope and despair to the stars
We all
Believe in the stars

Joy and sadness
Betrayal and inferiority complex
We all have them equally
Old and young look up at the same stars

To share
To support
When your neighbor is crying with grief
Just cheer him up
We are
All the same
Light remains the same

Look up at the starry sky
We are all the same light

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