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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:18回 リリース日:2015年10月14日
作詞 Daniel Gaston Ash/Kevin Haskins/David Jay/Peter John Murphy 
作曲 Daniel Gaston Ash/Kevin Haskins/David Jay/Peter John Murphy
Tonight I could be with you
Or waiting in the Wings
Lift your heart with soaring song
Cut down the puppet strings
Cut down the puppet strings

I wear a coat of drums
And dance upon your eyes
Turn the tables upside down
Change the lows to highs
Change the lows to highs

I fill you up with butterflies
Crown the heads of kings
Be glad of first night nerves
For fear gives courage wings
Fear gives courage wings

If I am on the sidelines
Chances are you'll miss
Wait alone and spotlit
For Doctor Theatre's kiss

The stage becomes a ship in flames
I tie you to the mast
Throw your body overboard
The spotlight doesn't last
The spotlight doesn't last

I could be with you
Or waiting in the wings
Lift your heart with soaring song
Cut down the puppet strings
Cut down the puppet strings

I may tap you on the shoulder
And whisper "go" in red
Strip your feet of lead my friend
Strip your feet of lead

I fill you up with butterflies
Crown the heads of kings
Be glad of first night nerves
For fear gives courage wings
Fear gives courage wings

Call the curtain
Raise the roof
Call the curtain
Spirits on tonight

I could be with you
Or waiting in the wings

Call the curtain
Raise the roof
Spirits on tonight

Call the curtain
Raise the roof
Spirits on tonight

Call the curtain
Raise the roof
Spirits on tonight

We love our audience

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
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